
Who I am

I am Yves Deville, a statistical consultant based in Rhône-Alpes (France). I have been practicing applied statistics for more than thirty years and have been working as an independent Statistical Consultant for nearly twenty years. Alpestat is my brand.

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What I do

  • Smart statistical modelling and data analysis, with applications in many fields: energy, energy economics, environmetrics, engineering, ...

  • R Programming: Coding new algorithms in R, sometimes C or Fortran code, advise on statistical-aimed R packages. I wrote a number of R packages and am author or co-author of some CRAN packages.

  • Training on statistical methods with R. This can for example: the Linear Model, Time Series Analysis, Gaussian Processes, the Bayesian Framework, Extreme Value Analysis and more.

  • Review tasks in applied statistics, including methodology and theroretical relevance.

  • Research in statistics and statistical computing, sometimes self-initiated and (for now) mostly self-founded.